Nanocatalysts Can Change the Number of Electrons Involved in Oxidation-Reduction Reaction with the Nanocages Being the Most Efficient

TitleNanocatalysts Can Change the Number of Electrons Involved in Oxidation-Reduction Reaction with the Nanocages Being the Most Efficient
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsWeng, G, Mahmoud, MA, El-Sayed, MA
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Date PublishedNov
ISBN Number1932-7447
Accession NumberWOS:000311190800040

Eosin Y (EY) is a fluorescein derivative dye that can be reduced by accepting either one or two electrons. The one- or two electron reduction potentials have comparable values. The two-electron reduction pathway dominates when sodium borohydride is used, whereas the reduction pathway changes to a one-electron reduction pathway when gold solid (AuNS) or hollow (AuHS) nanosphere catalysts are used. The reduction reaction of EY by borohydride proceeds via one kinetic stage, whereas in the presence of gold nanocatalysts, three different stages are identified. The first stage has the same reaction rate as in the absence of the nanocatalyst, and no one-electron product is observed (absorption peak at 405 nm). The second stage starts when the rate of the disappearance of EY is suddenly increased; a new peak at 405 nm beings to appear. This stage ends when the rate of the disappearance of EY decreases. The third stage has a rate close to that of the first stage, and the EY is reduced again by accepting two electrons. The lifetime of the first stage is greatly affected by the concentration of the nanocatalyst and decreases as the concentration of the nanocatalyst is increased. The conversion ratio of EY to its one electron reduced form is found to increase proportionally with the concentration of the gold nanocatalyst. In the case of using hollow nanospheres as a catalyst, the conversion ratio is found to be 3 times higher than that when using the solid nanospheres due to the cage effect.
