Medium effect on the electron cooling dynamics in gold nanorods and truncated tetrahedra

TitleMedium effect on the electron cooling dynamics in gold nanorods and truncated tetrahedra
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsLink, S, Hathcock, DJ, Nikoobakht, B, EL-Sayed, MA
JournalAdvanced Materials
Date PublishedMar
ISBN Number0935-9648
Accession NumberWOS:000181713900003

A study on the electron relaxation dynamics and thermal cooling of colloidal gold nanoparticles (see Figure) in air and water finds that the local energy exchange with the surrounding medium occurs on the picosecond time scale, comparable with the electron-phonon relaxation, while a slow heat dissipation by water ensures that the particles remain heated for hundreds of picoseconds.
