A new catalytically active colloidal platinum nanocatalyst: The multiarmed nanostar single crystal

TitleA new catalytically active colloidal platinum nanocatalyst: The multiarmed nanostar single crystal
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsMahmoud, MA, Tabor, CE, EL-Sayed, MA, Ding, Y, Wang, ZL
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Date PublishedApr
ISBN Number0002-7863
Accession NumberWOS:000254643900009

Nanocatalysts that possess large amounts of atoms on sharp corners and edges and high indexed sites are known to be more catalytically active. We report here on a novel yet simple method to synthesize in large yields a very active platinum nanocatalyst; the multiarmed nanostar single crystal. We utilize a seed mediated method using tetrahedral nanoparticles that are also synthesized by a new and simple technique. High-resolution TEM shows that the nanostar has many arms, varying from a few to over 30, whereby even the largest ones :re found to have single-crystal structures. This strongly suggests that they are formed by a growth mechanism of the seed crystals and not by the aggregation of seed crystals, which should produce twinning planes. Due to the reduction reaction of ferricyanide by thiosulfate, the nanostars are found to have an activation energy, which is nearly 60% of that of the tetrahedral seeds themselves, both having the same PVP capping agent. This is undoubtedly due to the multiarms with edges, corners, and the presence of high indexed facets in the nanostar catalyst.
