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Photocatalysis in Gold Nanocage Nanoreactors. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2009 ;113:4340-4345.
. Plasmonic Field Effect on the Hexacyanoferrate (III)-Thiosulfate Electron Transfer Catalytic Reaction on Gold Nanoparticles: Electromagnetic or Thermal?. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2009 ;113:19585-19590.
. Plasmonic Field Enhancement of the Bacteriorhodopsin Photocurrent during Its Proton Pump Photocycle. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010 ;132:7250-+.
. Plasmonic Imaging of Human Oral Cancer Cell Communities during Programmed Cell Death by Nuclear-Targeting Silver Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2011 ;133:17594-17597.