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Single-Crystal Electrospun Plasmonic Perovskite Nanofibers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018 .
. Shape tunable plasmonic nanoparticles. US Patent . 2017 ;9,588,124.
. Shape- and Symmetry-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Metallic Gold and Silver on the Nanoscale. Nano Letters. 2014 ;14:743-748.
. Substrate Effect on the Plasmonic Sensing Ability of Hollow Nanoparticles of Different Shapes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2013 ;117:4468-4477.
. . Small Molecule-Gold Nanorod Conjugates Selectively Target and Induce Macrophage Cytotoxicity towards Breast Cancer Cells. Small. 2012 ;8:2819-2822.
. Some recent developments in photoelectrochemical water splitting using nanostructured TiO2: a short review. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 2012 ;131.
. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Small Au Nanorods Using a Seedless Growth Technique. Langmuir. 2012 ;28:9807-9815.
. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Small Au Nanorods Using a Seedless Growth Technique. Langmuir. 2012 ;28:9807-9815.